Wednesday, April 22, 2009

HillJillys: Seeking Ride Leaders
+ MTB Ride, Thursday, April 23rd, 5:30pm

More Leaders = More Rides

It could totally be you.

First, this: Sarah is leading another after-work MTB ride on Thursday, April 23rd, 5:30pm; meet at Channel Drive, at the bottom of Cobblestone. Beginner-friendly, as always!

Back to those ride leaders...

It's easy to lead a ride. Really. All you have to do are these things:
1. Pick a route. (Rides start Saturday mornings at 9:30am, so you don't even have to choose a time.) Routes can be flexible, too, if you want feedback from the HillJillys who show up. 2. Commit! You are the one person who can't bail on the ride, even if you wake up in the morning and still feel the call of your pillow. 3. Be supportive and friendly to everyone who shows up, and make sure no one gets left behind.

Simple, right? You'll note what's not on the list: you don't have to be fast or fit or do it all the time. What we really need is a bank of women who can be on call, who might be willing to lead a ride once in a while, so that folks can fill in on the Saturdays when I can't make it. If that could be you, drop me a line and we'll talk more.

Thanks for all you do! --kimdow

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