Wednesday, April 28, 2010

HillJillys MTB Ride:
Saturday, May 1st, 9:30am

Back to Annadel we go for some quality time on fat tires, and mixing it up this week by heading to the Lawndale side. Shannon will lead Saturday's ride (and if you're extra sweet & lucky, maybe demonstrate her mad tap-dancing skills).

Meet on Saturday, May 1st at 9:30am at the Lawndale trailhead. The ride will climb Lawndale, then head to Marsh-Ridge-Schulz. Celebrate May Day on these sweet, sweet trails. RSVPs appreciated!

The know-how to go now: beginner-friendly, everyone welcome, and no one left behind.

Directions: The Lawndale trailhead is located just northwest of Kenwood on Hwy 12. From Santa Rosa continue on Hwy 12 for 6.6 miles past the Montgomery Drive turn-off. Go right on Lawndale Road and follow it 1.2 miles to the trailhead parking area. If you make it to Kenwood, you went too far!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

HillJillys Road Ride:
Saturday, April 24th, 9:30am

Last time we tried to do this ride, it got rained out--but the weather is looking spectacular for this weekend!

Meet up Saturday at 9:30am: Kara will lead out a relatively flat road loop from the Flying Goat in Santa Rosa's Railroad Square. It'll head up to Windsor via Fulton, Olivet, and Mark West and come out to about 30 miles. RSVPs appreciated!

As usual, beginner-friendly, everyone welcome, and no one left behind!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

HillJillys MTB Ride:
Saturday, April 17th, 9:30am

Time to get a little dirty: the HillJillys are headed back out to the trails! Megan, our resident taiko enthusiast, will lead the charge at Annadel.

Meet Saturday, April 17th, 9:30am on Channel Drive, at the bottom of Cobblestone. RSVPs appreciated. The know-how to go now: beginner-friendly, everyone welcome, and no one left behind! (Rain cancels.)

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

HillJillys Road Ride:
Saturday, April 10th, 9:30am

We're back to an old favorite this week, taking advantage of the spring conditions in the wine country (before the tourists truly descend upon the roads): Dry Creek Loop from Healdsburg.

Meet on Saturday, April 10th, at 9:30am at the Flying Goat just off the square. Katie will lead the group out West Dry Creek up to Yoachim Bridge and down Dry Creek, with Lytton Springs thrown in at the end if everyone's still feeling spunky. (Lots of options to shorten this route up, if anyone's feeling tired or short of time.) RSVPs appreciated!

As usual, beginner-friendly, everyone welcome, and no one left behind... and rain cancels!

Friday, April 2, 2010

No HillJillys Ride This Week (Instead: Maybe Boggs, or SCBC Street Skills?)

Given all the rain we've had this week, we'll be skipping our regularly scheduled MTB ride on Saturday. Be kind to the trails in Annadel!

Other cycling opportunities this weekend? Go on and get out for a road spin during what looks like a possible window of clear weather on Saturday, or head up to Cobb Mountain and heckle cheer on the Boggs V 8-Hour mountain bike racers. Bring the kids for the easter egg hunt--and there are oodles of trails in the forest that aren't part of the course.

And looks like there's also still space in the SCBC's Saturday Street Skills Class:


Tired of losing all your hard-earned cash at the pump? Not comfortable riding on the street? Think you know all there is to riding a bike? Then you should not miss Street Skills for Cyclists. If you are not 100% satisfied, we will refund your class fee! You may retake the class at anytime (space permitting) for free. This is for ALL levels, it doesn't matter if you have been racing or commuting by bike for the past 30-plus years, or you are rolling your bike out of the garage for the first time since turning 16. Please don't let your ego get in the way of taking this class. You will be given the exact location upon registration confirmation. Reservations are required; please e-mail to reserve your space.

APRIL 3, Santa Rosa
Adult class: 8:45 AM to 12:45 PM
Youth class: 1:45 PM to 3:45 PM

Seminar Fee: $20.00
$10.00 for SCBC members
Special class and membership deal; join the SCBC at the same time and the class cost is only $5!
Limited scholarships are available.